Monday, March 20, 2006

I have been thinking about starting my blog for a long long time, but never getting down to ever doing it... work, life, home, and internet related crisis stopped me from penning my thoughts, though they were constantly formulating in my mind..

The inspiration came at one moment some time back, when I was stuck in one of the famour delhi traffic jams, and I see this little boy in the adjacent car, sitting next to his dad, chattering away about something with great fervour and accompanied animations.. he just kept talking while the father was obviously not really listening to him, but that didn't seem to dim the enthusiasm of the boy... he just had to say what he had to say... whether or not anyone was willing to take him seriously! .. and I was like, in everyday life, when we want to say something, we keep thinking of who to say it to - u know, who will relate to this, who will relate to that... but when u blog, u say something and dont have to look for a listener... you let your thoughts float somewhere in cyberspace... and whoever wants can hear u and whoever wants can listen to what u have just said - (big difference between the two!)...

So here I am, hoping someone will listen to my various thoughts, adventures, discoveries of life's subtle nuances etc and if not, I would have still said what just has to be said!

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