Thursday, June 22, 2006

Invisibility and anonymity... the under-utilized boons

I wish sometimes I could be invisible... the advantages of anonymity are great, as a friend of mine, I know, would fully agree... when you are a kid, you want attention.. you want people to look at you, appreciate you, even bitch about u, so long as u are in the light! But as you grow up and 'wisdom' makes its presence felt, you realise that invisibility has its own pros, sometimes much outdoing the cons...

Take for instance in office... I really wish I could be invisible when I enter office at 10 and start to leave at 6 :-) I dont want anyone to notice the timings I am keeping, just the work I am doing should be highlighted.. but no - its not meant to be that way! I enter office and almost every person on my way (especially the 'bosses' and seniors) looks up from his/her computers and says 'aaah, so she's finally in'... I wonder if its the click of my shoe heels (I promised myself to get off high heels but I look like a duck when I walk in flat shoes!!) or whether they are just bored and would welcome any distraction, but still, I find that many people notice when I walk in, esp if I am late! And the number of times I go for tea breaks (which are many in this near-sarkari company!) am sure are also counted!

On hindsight (the best sight, some say!) though, at the end of the day, the Scorpio in me takes over and decides that I would miss the attention (to my work or walking in) if it wasnt there! :-))

p.s. just kidding

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see some great writers are influencing your thoughts!
