Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Balance sheet..

This is the time of the year when most people are trying to make and eventually break their new year resolutions, some may have taken a moment to consider the events, personal or otherwise, past year, and some may be wondering about what the new year holds for them.. the TV/radio channels can't stop the rewinds and fast forwards and countless top 10s or 20s.. and many of us are probably swamped with the supersitition that whatever we do on the 1st will be what we do throughout the year.. so we try to pack in everything into the first day of the year, try to be at our possible best, and do as many things as we can before we fall down exhausted..

This yr, I've broken all the traditional ushering of the new year.. hell, I hardly even wished anyone happy new yr when it was 12 in the nite.. atleast, no one that mattered.. I didn't spend the whole day doing things I would like to do for the rest of the year.. I just stayed tucked in bed and watched tv the whole day! (Ok yes, I agree, I dont mind doing that for the rest of the year either if someone would just pay me for it!).. but it was too bloody cold!! (Those who live in sub-zero temps currently should not snigger, coz you survive on central heating!).. and, I didn't watch a single countdown, top ten or rewind program coz its pointless.. and I esp didn't spend any time reminiscing about the new year that has just begun..


I know what is in store for me this year.. almost month by month.. so I feel no excitement.. its not going to be a happy year, in broad terms.. its going to be tough making several decisions this year.. decisions that I/we have been conveniently procrastinating till absolutely necessary.. lives pulled apart, people I have known since the time I could have known anyone parting from us, distances increasing, people hurt.. some very concrete, real problems coming up for me, personally and professionally...

But, there is also some unknown.. some hope, I guess.. there is always hope.. and that's what makes me smile... thats what makes me wish myself a happy new yr, even if I sound pessimistic and wonder whats happy about it... 2006 has by far been one of the best yrs of my life.. actually 2005 was the best yr.. but 2006 was no less.. or may be I just have a short memory and so things, good and bad, don't linger too much in my head and overall I always think the year was pretty good!

I know I sound frightfully pessimistic in some parts of this post, and would probably scare some people into thinking there is something very wrong with me.. but it isn't so.. its just that.. oh I don't know.. I don't have to justify my posts do i?! For once, I am not putting any disclaimer.


S said...

2007 - the year when you may get a chance to graduate into a real ML ,i.e.,in Ultimatix , with real TMs ...or may be u sparkle as a star in the new RBO :-))

ok ok , i know now you want to kill me ..
so maybe , 2007 is the year when you take some of the best life changing decisions ,personal and professional both ..and then go gaga over oh wow this was the best period of my life till now :-))
So dear don't start the year on such a note ...take a leaf from my book and make a few resolutions ..its fun to play that make and break game , isnt it ??

IR said...

what did you watch the whole day ? if not re-collects !

happy double O 7 !

SIM said...

the grass always seems greener on the other side girl. so u look back and it seems like the past year was much better than the one ahead. but who knows?
cheer up and have a great year :)

zoxcleb said...

how can u be so positive that the year is going to be so bad? with such accuracy that u know it month by month? ur goal sheet cant already be set for the entire year.. they used to do that half yearly.. :)

and no.. u dont need disclaimers...

Amandeep Singh said...

I donT know bUt I can really relate to ur feelings in this post. I kinda feel the same for the coming year.Whenva I think about it..or someone asks me what resolutions i ve..I am kinda pessimistic..or may be there is no enthusiasm...whateva...!
We feel the same..lol


Vogon Interpreter!! said...

hey Ruchika.. wish you a happy new year in the first place...!! and yes for a pessimistic start lets say the starts dont always reflect how the rest of the year will be so im hoping it turns out to be the best ever year for you!!!
but yes shilpi's mention of ultimatix just sent a thuoght... you're working with TCS i presume... with the mention of our ever popularly hated Ultimatix LOL!! gosh theres a years worth of stories to tell about working for them ..and yes since i dont want to lose my job.. we should take it offline LOL!!
have a good year!!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year!

Aparna Ganguly said...

Things can turn out better than you expect them to be.
And I hope you are proven wrong...just this once..

Still Searching said...

Hehe.. I have to say I never expected any comments on this post! Thought people would get damn scared and run away! Well am glad that I was proven wrong, and hope its the same for this year too!

yes u're right.. one never really knows how its going to really turn out.. probably whatever I dread right now could be the best thing for me! Am beg to feel more positive, thanks to our IM chats! I know you are also facing an uncertain future this yr, but am encouraged by the optimism u're showing! really hope you have a great new 2007!

movies.. lots of movies! but old ones! hehe.. thanks, same to you!

u're right.. the same rule applies for the past too.. past sometimes feels better than the future! but am beg to feel less pessimistic about this yr, so cheers to that! hope you have a great new yr too!

hehe.. dont even get me started on goalsheets!! they have nothing to do with my real goals (professionally or otherwise!)! hehe.. and yes, i am going to stop putting disclaimers unless v.v. necessary!

i totally understand.. but as the days are going by, am beg to feel little more positive about the coming yr! hope some of it rubs on to you too! :-)

hehe.. glad to see someone else "wasting" office on blogger!

happy new yr to you too!

i hope so too! thanks and happy new yr to you too! :-)

Aparna Ganguly said...

Haven't decided on the title yet..
but it's supposed to be released by mid-Feb this year..will be a compilaton of my posts..
sorry yaar I keep deleting my posts.. I have been very disorganized lately..so...

will keep a watch on ur space..
and yeah keep commenting on the posts I haven't deleted yetr..

zoxcleb said...

so then just go by my philosophy.. nothing can be as bas as u imagine it to be... and if it is, u have a poor sense of imagination... :-P

Still Searching said...

hehe.. pretty cool thought! i'll try it!

Zee said...

Cheer up! :)

Anonymous said...
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medusa said...

but then again, with all the partying, new year doesnt start from the 2nd after all.
i like the way you write, a lot!!!
thanks for visiting my blog.

Still Searching said...
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Caladrius said...

this theory abt we do for the whole yr wat we do on the 1st rly sucz. i dint e'en celebrate new yr 2006 as i wanted to enter into it studying, goin by this theory.. nd that yr i nvr felt like studyin.
happy new yr.
good post

S said...

Referring to ur last post , the old(nicer?) u may not be dead but where has the writer in you gone ?????