Monday, April 30, 2007

A little girl, still

There are some things in this world that make me wide-eyed with wonder and excited like a 3 yr old kid... and 3-D movies, Little Mermaid and Killer Whales top the list right now!

I've just got back from a vacation (as if I'm not already on one!) in Florida, where I spent the past 4 days basking in the sun, sitting by the poolside listening to Jazz music, sipping strawberry daquiries which were unknowingly spiked with Vodka, relaxing in the jacuzzi in our suite at this great luxury resort (courtesy my v. rich aunt!) and walking a few miles (!) inside the ever-so-famous theme parks, getting from one ride or show to another...

And I re-discovered the little girl in me... This would be my 3rd time at Disney.. I had been there once before when I really was a little girl, and then once in Paris exactly 2 yrs back (how time flies!).. but I realised that every time I watched the fairytale characters of Little Mermaid, Snow White and Cindrella, and more importantly their v. handsome 'Charming Princes', it gets me as excited and goose-bumpy as when I was a kid and really believed in the 'one day my prince charming will come and we'll live happily ever after' story! Unfortunately, I can't say I've wisened up now..! I still get all starry-eyed when I see these characters, like I did at the Disney Parade.. hehehe.. Mr. Walt Disney really knows how to sell dreams!

The Killer Whale show at Seaworld really had me too.. the interesting thing is that when I was a kid, I had visited the same Seaworld and watched the famous 'Shamu' show.. I remembered there was a really tall glass enclosure inside in which the whales swam, and the whales themselves were gigantic... I realised this time though, that my memory was relative to my size!! The "really tall" glass enclosure turned out to be actually just a little more than 4 feet in height, and the whales looked less gigantic and more realistic this time.. I was amused at the fact that I remembered it just like I had seen it.. BIG! But I've got to say that dolphins and these killer whales never fail to amaze me.. They are not only beautiful, but also so intelligent! Not just because they can be tamed or trained, but because they look like they have real feelings and really understand what they're doing! I thought only dogs were like that!

Oh and not to forget the 3-D movie we saw... It was a short 20 mins movie called "Honey I shrunk the audience".. a spoof on the movie "Honey I shrunk the kids".. and I was just totally amazed at the effect 3-D has on the movie-watching experience! When nothing happened for the first 5 mins, I was like what the hell, this 3-D thing is no great shakes.. and then suddenly out of the blue, the "rocket" on screen burst into flames and it was amazing how we all thought the shrapnel was coming straight at us and we ducked instinctively! And then they showed that there were rats in the audience, and we acutally felt creepy crawly things against our legs and shoulders! Totally had us freaked out and jumping out of our seats! I'm sure some people may have watched movies in 3-D before, but this was my first time, and I couldn't help but marvel at it like a child!

So yes, if you think this post has me gushing like a kid at the marvels that sell dreams all over the world, you're right.. I dont want to be a logical, rational adult in these moments.. I want to let go and be a child again, and wonder!!


Ajay said...

it good to have a child stored inside u..its gr8 fun..
free from all worries in this materialistic world...

raghav said...

well i believed in " i am gonna be 18 till i die" .. but you seem to have taken it a bit more retro .. " i am gonna be a 3 year till I die" .. :D

seriously .. theres no point in growing up .. I tell u .. Ignorance IS bliss!

mathew said...

well almost similar euphoria when i had taken a trip to berlin zoo this was a solo trip and it helped to shed inhibitions of a adult..!! ;-P

well nice to see someone enjoyin goin back in time..

Anshul said...

didnt you just tell me some time back; Anshul you will never grow up ... and hten you write this!
Man there is no justics in this world or what?
Hot Indian
Hot = angry! in both blogs!
Madum ....

zoxcleb said...

theres always a child in each of us... we should just let it out more often...
lucky u.. got to go to disney world!

been here 9 months and still not managed it..

Nabila Zehra Zaidi said...

Oh! I could not get more jealous!!I so badly need a holiday...and this year too I will have to stay and work!!...huh...

And...oh trust me...I still am this huge Little Mermaid fan... I am not a very romantic person but if I still read Cinderella, Little Mermaid or any of my favourite childhood fairy tales... I do get all starry eyed...and that Prince Charming and fall in love with love :)

Sharks fascinate me I only wish I would be at your place...!! I can cry now...>>ssoobbb<< :P

Nice Blog you have got..!! Keep it up!! ;)

B said...

aww WOW. I wanna go to Paris :D To live for a year or two.. learn their accents, see the museums, feel the air and look at their art. And Disney sounds liek fun.. I shud go there sometime maybe :p

Incrediblyirrational said...

whoever said kids are irrational and illogical! that's what we adults think, only because we cease to have imagination and fun and tend to induce a very boring perspective on everything we come across.

Jeya Anand said...

The inner child or the inner GOD as i prefer to call is a great experience...i know...

Zee said...

a few day back someone mentioned they'd gone to disneyland and i practically fell off the car seat!!! never been there of course but its amazing how a childhood fascination for disneyland still gives me sure it's still everyone's dream to go there at least once!!! i'll be happy going there even if i'm a grandmother of seven as long as i do it once in my lifetime!!!

Cool said...

i know its fun to go the places meant for childern... and then for some moment you are out of your reality and it's worth it....
I still love to go to amusement parks.. so Zee and Kur next time i am in delhi lets go to Appu Ghar :)

Invincible said...

lol...when did u saw my old pic?? neways...must say a nice post...well written..

Aditi said...

you are forever young, unless the child dies in you..
these pretty small things make the life a worth.

wish everyone cud be sometime or the other be as happy as you are.

you use the words in a beautiful way...

Aditi said...

wud u mind for link exchange...
i'm gonna put ur link on my blog..
u write quite beautifully

Amandeep Singh said...

It must so damn good to feel like a child man....
I ve seen a coupls 3d movies...and I know how much freakin fun they are...

Really nice to know u had one great time in ur vacations.....:)

the Razzler said...

Hi! Ruchika ..

In our ever materialistic society, we need dreams & fantasy to keep our sanity.

In our fantasy world, there's only joy & happiness to fill our hearts.

Smile always .. for it's a blessing to have life itself!! :) :)

Still Searching said...

yeah, carefree is great!

heheh.. yeah 3 till i die! poor others around me!

yeah, adults do have a lot of inhibitions.. i particularly dislike those who are stuckup and think that marvelling at something reduces your image in front the world..


i dont think i'd have managed going either had it not been for my aunt having a conference there!

so cool! another little mermaid fan! i must have watched the disney cartoon movie atleast 10 times when i was a kid! and yeah, sharks are cool too, just scarier!

`red soul
thats exactly what i did in paris! i was there for one & half yrs, spent all the time trying to soak up their culture and language!

you're right.. kids prob think we're boring and irrational! hehee..

`jeya anand
inner God.. hmmm.. youre' right..

Still Searching said...

yeah disney really knows how to make people fantasize about beautiful things! going from any disney movie to disneyland, its fantasy throughout! you must visit atleast once!

yeah, its a good escape :)
appu ghar?! hehehe.. i went there as a child, and i actually thought it was quite nice.. but that was like almost 20 yrs back!!

had been to your blog earlier, when the photo was not there.. thanks

yes, everyone should get an opportunity to let go like this sometimes.. thanks for the compliment...

i had a great time! and 3D movies are amazing! I wonder if I should have watched Kkrish in 3d in Imax! hehehe...

`the razzler
yeah, one needs to get away from everyday life once in a while to rejuvenate and bring back one's dreams!

Zee said...

cool......ya lets man!! am wondering if i have the guts to get into the horror house of whatever it is now.....
and we have all been to amusement parks recently......remember nikko park?????hahahahaha

Shruti said...

wow!!great to hear that..
everybody has a child hidden inside which sometimes get ignored bcoz of our daily mandane stuff..But ya its feels good to hear abt ur experience in Disnet Land..I wish, i could also go there sometimes..
Take care..

nutty said...

Disneyland!! The Happiest Place in the World! Went to the California Disneyland last month and I absolutely loved it! It was sooooooo wow! I don't care kid or not that place is truly where dreams come true :)

I just wish it had fewer kids tho ;D
It would be a lot saner :D

Invincible said...

man!! u 'av a huge fan following

Still Searching said...

nikko park?! hehehee..

yes, so true that we get lost in our day to day life and dont get a chance to unwind like this.. which is why vacations are a must!!

Hehehe.. nice one :)


Anshul said...

Required field must not be blank

brandy said...

I didn't go to Disneyland for the first time until I was in grade 10 and I thought I was going to hate it! But, i loved it of course. It's a bit addicting of course. Like cocaine I imagine. Except you know, Disneyland is legal. And not scary. And involves people dressed in costume...

Unknown said...

Awesome...makes me want to go there!!! Don't ever let go of the child in you...


manish said...

florida,hmmmm.....So I was right when I said 'US' as your location some posts back :-))enjoy...

Miraj C. Vora said...

I like your writing..the flow is so amazing..
and btw..
no need da thank me fer commenting..
Blog On..!!
Thou m really new..
Waitin fer a comment by you..

CandidConfessions said...

Seems you had a great time! Let the good times roll! :)

Still Searching said...

hehehe.. yup, its legalised morphine, atleast for 5 mins of the ride! :))

u should go when you get the chance! thought u said ur sis or someone stays in florida?!

yup, u were!

`irresistible desires
thanks, and ofcourse i'll comment on your blog too!

`candid confessions
cheers to that!

Cuckoo said...

I know! I jumped and shreiked too. Enjoy yourselves... jacuzzi in hotel 'suite'? WOWWW!!! :) The weather must be getting better each day. And hey listen, get to the alumni meet there if you can.

ps: Am linking your blog to mine. Quite like your writing. Its almost like speaking to you...almost I said~

moonstruck maniac said...

Do u actually read my blog? I mean it was sort of a pleasant surprise to hear a new voice on brainscram. Thanks for that.
No I am not out of it as yet. There are loads of words, lunatic chaos as I put it, that still haunt me. Haven't scribbled for a long time, and don't know where to start. :-)
Anyway, about this post, all I can say is if you never let go off the child inside, you'd never be dehydrated of innocence you were born with, as a human.