Friday, June 01, 2007

From American Idol to Sa Re Ga Ma Pa!

Its the journey I was afraid I may have to take!

Let me introduce you guys to my uncle - my mom's younger brother - whom I'm seeing for the first time in 15 yrs.. so he's missed my entire teen years, the rebellion years, the formative years, the mellowing down years, the responsible years and finally the mature years (not to be confused with hair-turning-grey years).. so he's kinda missed the part of life when you form your own opinions, blossom from being influenced by your parents choice to being influenced by the latest youth icon's choice! So, he has no idea what influences have shaped my taste in music, books or tv serials!

So the thing is this, I love almost any kinda music that has a decent beat and rhythm, and doesnt sound like kitchen utensils banging against each other (so therefore we rule out hardrock)... and like any other normal person I know, I listen to both English and Hindi music, and sometimes Tamil stuff too! (courtesy having studied in a school in South India, where Roja music was preferred to be heard in Tam than Hindi).. apparently, thats not the same here, in the US! I'm not saying my cousins are desis who've never heard an English song in their lives (which btw sounds very snooty anyways!).. but they're hardly exposed to the stuff that we've been exposed to India.. I know one of my cousins doesn't know who Jim Morrison is (was).. it is a sad day this..

Anyways, getting back to the point, I was more than a little surprised when I came here to find that my kiddie cousins knew more about Saloni (forgive me Zee, but its just not the kinda stuff I'd want my 13 yr old to be watching - what with the jealousy, murder plots and wicked-looking big sisters!) than they did about me! And the family huddles around the tv every Friday (which is today, which is what prompted me to write this post) to watch Sa Re Ga Ma Pa devotedly.. and post show, an in-depth dinner-table analysis of each and every singer, judge and host is done (as if everyone's life depended on who won!)! Ok, I agree I had about the same level of devotion to watching American Idol back in Delhi.. I wouldn't miss Weds and Thurs shows if I could help it, and right till the time I came here, I was totally abreast of Antonella's bold pics, Sanjaya's mowhawk hairstyle and Simon & Ryan's little disagreements on live tv... and now when, if at all, I finally find which of the 1000 channels on tv is hosting the show, and settle down with a satisfied smile to watch the Americans fight it out, I'm faced with a barrage of opinions on how bad English music sounds coz they just seem to be shouting (which I agree they sometimes are!) and how the whole system is rotting! And after a while, I give up, turn off the show and watch safer options like 'Hannah Montana' or 'Spongebob Squarepants' (for those in India who haven't seen or heard of these shows, its ok, you haven't missed much)...

Well, its not all to say that my uncle is steeped in Indian traditions that he hasn't broken loose from in the past 20 years in Amreeka.. when it really comes right down to it, he's nothing like the traditional conservative person he jokes around to be.. but its entertaining nonetheless to have him beat down high-school proms, online chatting, rock music and kissing scenes in Hollywood movies! Not that it affects me in any way (I'm a grown up girl remember... I've already made my choices, good or bad!) - except that I'm going to be spending yet another Friday night watching Himesh Reshammiya get sentimental and shout to justify his song choices (and himself)...

So much for my journey to the "heart of the Western world"!


P.S. No family members were harmed during the making of this post.


Cool said...

nice blog!!! :)

zoxcleb said...

i hear ya... saw this when i visited some ppl who've shifted here from a long time ago.. didnt expect it in CA tho!

Amandeep Singh said...

LoL Ruchika..
Dont know what to say...
N i cursed my country men residing rite here in india for all the stuff...
its everywhere..the Amrikkkka also..
Phir bhi dil hain hindustani thing..?

Real nice n refresh read!!!

(n I had exams n had no net n had a pal with was busy/too free to write)


Prasoon said...

This was funny..
never knew aisa bhi hota hoga :)

Unknown said...

Very US project at work looks like will be a big success! We are looking at making lots of desi stuff for these folks. :)

Anil P said...

Assimilation never happens if the heart is still adrift back home.

And America is not an easy place to reconcile to once you've been an Indian and for a long time to be able to imbibe its smells and its soul.

Miraj C. Vora said...

Very Interesting read..
Mera Bharat Mahan..
usse mahan saas aur bahu..haha..
usse bhi mahan Jim

Teens to Toons said...

when have you read my blog...
I been infrequent and a combo of work and laziness makes a death sentence for the activity on the blog

Zee said...

thanks for mentioning me on the blog. saloni rocks! u'll learn........ as does sa re ga ma me it's more entertaining than the saans bahu serials! and himesh's cap.......ufffffff

nutty said...

Lol! Bhelcomme to Aamrikka!

Though, in all honesty, if you could sit through and actually follow American Idol (!!!) you really gave up on the right to be amazed by anyones TV fave fare!!!

Thou shalt be banished from the Non-Idiots-Idiot-Box-Community forever!!!

Still Searching said...

thanks :)

hehehe... its everywhere!

oh yeah, i think indians here are probably more fanatic about this kinda stuff!

nice to see your comment after a long time.. yahan aisa hee hota hai :))

yes, will def work out!

its like a way of holding on to their memories and living india through the tv!

haha.. jim morrison's the best!

`teens to toons
came across it through someone elses...

himesh's cap is fraying now!!

hahaha... there's nothing like pure entertainment watching americans make fools of themselves in the auditions!! and better to root for sanjaya! hehehe...

Itchingtowrite said...

guilty as charged0- i love serials too!!!

mathew said...

I think we crave and admire the our country more when we stay abroad..infact I discover everyday how our people are good in its own way..

remember a quote by someone.."India is a country where people think it is cool to smile!!"

We are a nice bunch of people after all!! :-)

Jeya Anand said...

Was a good post...and Tamil songs are really cooool to hear...thats where AR RAHMAN originated ....

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. Story of most homes :)
btw.. which one do i prefer.. sanjaya's mohawk or himesh's nose.. I'll go with sanjaya..

Amit said...

the only way to know what america is all about is to board with an american student and travel with him/ her. traditional thanksgiving, 4th july, st francis, spring break. else its just another india there. and for that india the actual India rocks anyday! Nice post ruchika

Cuckoo said...

Its funny, but many times people abroad are stuck in an India they left behind; whereas rate of growth and acceptance in India is growing at a rate that even we "youth" of the country struggle to keep pace with!

Vogon Interpreter!! said...

Oh man... i shouldve checked your blog more often.. :) ive been out of the blog world for a while now..
damn..(reason fr this excalamtion explained below..):)
first of all welcome aboard mother ship USA :)
and yes.. i wank to kick myself in the derriere coz i was in NY during May and had i known you were in town.. id have met the real blogging person :)!!
after all it would've helped put a face to the name...!!
hmmm anyways... twas fun to read abt ure vacation and :) the spiked diaquiris.. and Disney world.. and insightful tele traditions :)...

Keep blogging and yes all the very best with whatever you're starting off with oer here... !!


The Black King said...

Yes, the television does rob us of some personal times... but some day you'll be nostalgic remembering these occasions.

Cool said...

where have you disappeared

SeePearrl said...

" doesnt sound like kitchen utensils banging against each other"

lolz this is damn funny!

Spider42 said...

hey ruchika..
yeah i know exactly what you mean, actually its ironic - when indians go abroad (read:us/uk) they tend to become either obsessed with blending in with the locals or they go bonkers on the whole "I love my India" thing...
heck ive got cousins in the US and it makes me laugh, theres one pair that are so american you couldnt tell the difference easily.. another set lives with mummy and daddy as their guiding star, living in an india that even i dont live in and I AM IN INDIA! ive even met some idiot NRIs that asked me "do people still ride elephants to work and stuff?" and i wanted to take a cue from robin williams and "bitch slap him like shiva!"
...ok, enough ranting...