Friday, January 11, 2008

Chicken and egg story..

Do you think that it's true that the happier and more content human beings we are, the more people will flock around us and be drawn to us, or is the converse true - that the more people are attracted to us, the more happier and content we are?! It's like, did the chicken come first or the egg? It's like the following riddle:

"The statement below is true."

"The statement above is false."

I'd like to believe it's the first, but I think it's usually the second that applies..

On this happy note, let me ask another pertinent question - do you think people who keep pets, especially dogs and maybe cats, are emotionally unstable and lack love in their life from human beings and therefore seek it in animals who are mute and dependent on them?

I'd like to believe it's because of the sake of the pet itself that we keep them, but I think it's usually because we seek unconditional (or conditional, like in case of a cat) acceptance and companionship that we do....

And what will you do if you wanted to pursue your dream, but that would entail giving up a good opportunity at the present moment?

I'd like to believe I'd pursue my dream, but I think I'm risk-averse and would "settle" for a bird in hand rather than two in the bush... or just maybe I'll gather enough courage and believe in myself and God that my dream can come true...


Daroga said...

wow... tough one.
I would also like to chase my dreams but then dreams can be subjective. Sometimes I dream about chasing a dream, all the while living a dream and hoping that I'll be living my ultimate dream someday.
Hang on... dreams never die.

S said...

Yippeeeee !!!!!! Am first again !!

Answer to Question 1 :
If we are happy and it shows , people come from everywhere to be with us ...but if we are happy and we show off , lots of them disappear !!Also , the question is how many of them stay when we turn sad for some reason ??
The second situation is just one of the reasons for our happiness .. not a permanent thing !

Answer to Question 2 :
When i was a kid , i asked my mom if we can keep a dog at home ..she replied "EITHER U OR THE DOG.. UR CHOICE " ... after that i never thought about pets in any way !!

Answer to Question 3 :
It takes a lot of courage to pursue your dreams and not get carried away by something else that life is offering ,esp. if tht something else is too good in a 'worldly' sense.If you have the courage , please go ahead with your dreams ...opportunity follows everywhere !!

S said...

OH NO ....
I took so much time in typing and posting my comment that in the meantime, I lost the privilege to be the first to comment !!

Vadapoche said...

Tough one....
About pets, before we got Melissa maybe our ideas on pets were different, now she is the baby of the house, who keeps my folks busy when we are not around.

Renovatio said...

Hard to say, I mean often I'll bother the crap out of my dog by tickling his paws, to the point that he'll weigh my hands down with his head so I'm forced to pet him. That's unconditional love if I ever saw it. Then again, I can annoy the crap out of friends with passive-aggressive cynical mind fuck-ery, and they'll still love me. Where do you draw the line. I feed my dog, and nights I'm crashing at our apartment as opposed to my mum's place, I cook for my friends, so I'm feeding them too. Is love for those you feed?

IR said...

ques 1) the more happier we are , the more people will flock to us,
atleast to begin with and for whatever the "flocking people" are worth.i have never heard of serious /moody people (who might have all the goodness in their heart) being the popular ones ?

2)people who live alone keep pets to kill lonliness, which I think is very sad and is a reflection of the times we live can a pet animal fill up the space of a companion in your life, why, even the net and its accesssores like blogging and social networking sites are at some level filling up the emptly quotient in our life.

3)only the person in question can decide whether the dream will always remain a "dream" or can be acheived ?

APOO said...

"If you never try, you'll never know. Just what you're worth"

Dont live too extreme, dont take the safety net too much into consideration either.

Dream, but dont make dreams your master. Think, but dont make thoughts your aim. And if you are worried about the eventual triumph or disaster, treat those two imposters just the same.

(and I bow to good ol' Rudyard)

Cool said...

to understand why risk averse people prefer one bird in hand rather than 2 in cos of marginal utlity concept :)
arbit comment... i know...
Do best wht you can and rest leave to the god to take you near to ur dream.....

cm chap said...

Q1 - Happier we are , the more people will flock to us

Q2 - I guess its more tough to answer. it varies from society to socety.

Zee said...


Amandeep Singh said...

Me gonna attempt just the last one...

the one u wanna pursuit..well i have always found that thing to be pretty difficult in front of the other one...
requires persistence..but eventually..some tests and u get thru...and are Happy n satisfaid all ur life!

Still Searching said...

wow! thats' a lot of dreaming! but yes, dreams don't die, but you need to have the conviction to follow them so that they can live!

firstly, it looks like you took half an hr to type all that! wow! you really thought about this! :)) yup true, that if we're happy and we show off then that backfires.. amazing how your dog story is so similar to Chandler's on Friends! he says "either the dog goes or I go!" and everyone chooses the dog! lol! and yes, it takes courage and belief that you can fulfill your dream in order to take that chance..

awww.. so cute! i love my doggie too, am missing him since the time i've written this post!

i dont know about food, but yes some friends can love you unconditionally.. but then are we the ones dependent on them then?

absolutely! only the person can decide whether they want to live their dream or just dream about it! yeah serious or moody people may not have the biggest number of friends, but then how many of the friends stay when the funny one stops being funny? and then will the funny one get back to the original without the support of his/her friends? yeah i know, technology was supposed to connect people more but it may actually be contributing to the loneliness!

awwww... i didn't know you had a sensitive, finer side to you! :P I love kipling!

yeah i realize that there's only so much you can do on your own and the rest God takes you where you need to be... ! and i like the marginal utility concept! infact i've been using it to rationalize my decisions although i didn't give it that name!

`cm chap
agreed! and i know that in the Indian society itself many people think that those who keep pets are little looney! btw, what happened to Q3?!

koi baat nahin :P

hey! great to see you back here after ages! i agree, requires persistence, and its not going to be easy, but one has to try it atleast once..

nutty said...

read your post 3 times and each time saw the no of comments increasing but didn't know what( nor did i want to) write so shied away ... ab finally himmat kar li n sab ke comments padh liye ...

and i think everyone has said just about all I could think of saying ...

More curious to know where all these random thoughts came from? all good na?

Keshi said...

this is close to my previpus post too...nice one SS!

I dream...
And thats all :)


Itchingtowrite said...

i think keeping pets is more becoz u want to have something to enjoy and love minus the complications

Unknown said... really think deep!!!
I like what ITW said about pets. Besides I think people have pets, yes because they want the companionship, they feel the need to care and provide for someone, but there's nothing wrong with that. Most relationships in life fulfill some need, and that does not make them bad.

As far as dreams know how I feel about this. Yes some things are beyond our control, but I think I am too much of an optimist and agree with the saying that when you really want something the whole universe conspires to make it happen!!!

You get one life you should pursue your dream. Yes don't live in a world of fantasy, but what's life without passion...never ever live the feeling that you never tried.

Canary said...

Hey... long time!
BTW Happy new year :)

Cuckoo said...

a) Happiness comes also from security. You need not have 200 people flocking to you for that comfort, a few good friends that you trust will make you "happy" and the rest are the add-ons for extra fun times.

b) Pets are an additional source of entertainment. When friends, partners and others become readable and somewhat predictable, a pet is a change I guess. But well, a pet also brings responsibilities. Sigh! I have always dreamt of a dog.

c) Being risk averse is NOT a bad think. The 'dream' may turn out to be not so enjoyabe in the future when you get closer, unless you ABSOLUTELY want it.

Finally, gal, I do SO hope NY Giants win :) Its time for the other 'Manning'!

Still Searching said...

to answer your question as to why these random thoughts came to my head, they're not random at all actually... first ques came up in a conversation my 20 year old cousin had with her mom and I was giving my precious 2 cents in it.. the second ques came up because of someone i know who recently observed that so many of the people who own pets are a little cookey and lack love in their lives... and 3rd is the hell that I'm going through these days and unable to decide what to do! there! this should've been in the post itself!

yes, in essence we're talking about the same thing...

lol! yeah you're right! that makes so much sense! :)

yeah i think that one needs to take a chance with a dream... am probably going to do that, so lets see how that goes.. makes a lot of sense what you said in context of pets.. that most relationships fulfill some need or the other, but that doesn't mean we dont have a full life!

yeah! long time! nice to see you come around here again! happy new year!

so true about having a few good friends you can count on, popularity charts don't really matter.. yes i really dont like the responsibility behind having a pet, thats why I have resisted since the time I've been living alone... and i know that being risk averse is not bad, but then if one keeps taking the high road when faced with risk, will dreams ever get fulfilled?! oh, I guess your wish has been granted!

Indrajit said...

And what will you do if you wanted to pursue your dream, but that would entail giving up a good opportunity at the present moment?

hmm million dollar question..... prhaps we cant swim against the tide....Maybe we cant dare to risk our stable today in a risky tomowrrow's prospect, tht cud weell boomerang us....

Keep writng...;-)
and ya me loves dogs....;D

mathew said...

we keep pets because they dont question you!!;-P

mathew said...

i sympathise with the last part of the post..that dilemma is simply excruciating...and everyone has it this time of the life!!

BD said...

Well,I think people keep pets as they listen to them, atleast after some training.

S said...

I am having my say ......... Where are all the colours ?????

APOO said...

Just like these winters, your blog is two colors.
White and shades of black, my eyes see it all clear.
What happened to those colors which you promised would be?
Or was it a lie? No it cannot be!

nutty said...

what did you do to your template???!!!

D said...

So many pertinent questions in one post! Phew! And I think there isn't a definite yes or no answer for either of the questions. But I do think a happier person attracts more people rather than a person being more happy if he's surrounded by more people.
And yes, I do think that people keep pets for companionship, for their own sake but that doesn't mean they don't love those animals...
As for the last question, you've answered it yourself - just depends how passionate you are about your dream and what risks you can take to achieve them.

PS: Just stumbled on to your blog and found a lot of similarities in our profiles. Will come back for more.

arpana said...

dreams ... hmmm... risks hmm....

pets - me hate; so even if Im loveless, luckless etc etc in life, no four legged creature in my house.

Pointblank said...

Qstn 1 - the happier ur more ppl come to u. ppl come u to cuz 'they' need happiness, which they wil get when they r around a happy person. No body approaches a sad person with the intention of making him/happy :) But more ppl wudn mean more happiness. Some ppl can be a pain in te wrong place!!

qstn 2 - some ppl keep pets cuz they need unconditional love. (not me, m emotionally unstable too, but dont keep pets) but tatz exactly the reason ppl get married n have kids too. most of the ppl get married cuz they want companionship (nd not always cuz they really love te person they r marrying)And have kids to kick off tat boredom marriage brings in. they also need somebody to depen on during old age. So we do everything for ourselves and claim we r doing it for others :)

Pointblank said...

hey.. u said smthg bout the cycles of life - a cycle beginning at every 7th year. Can u pls tell me where u found it??? well.. i can dissect my life into such interesting categories. I'm 24 n all I remember is tat I got my first job at 21!

Still Searching said...

but we ought to, esp when you're young and capable!

i agree about the pets thing... yes, at this age, for various reasons we may have these questions in our heads, and its so tough!

lol! yeah maybe, like i said unconditional love and attention

awww comeone! white is so pure and clean and neat! like a new fresh start! :))

there's mera walla pink!!

changed it, customized it, made it nice and clean.. dont worry, u'll get used to it! :)

welcome to my blog! absolutely agree with you on everything you said... yes, passion is a pre-requisite of taking risks!

lol! good to see someone have a different point of view on pets!

`point blank
so true about the fact that we may keep pets to fulfill some of our needs, but we probably do the same for relationships too... i read about the 7 year thing in a book, I don't remember the name of the author or book though! as soon as I remember, I'll let you know, for sure! sorry!!

Indrajit said...

i also understand tht what u ahve said is correct , howeveer there are so mnay factors involved , external and internal too that somehow stops us an dmost of us end up livinga life , tht we've never imagined...
dont mind , just wanted to speak my heart out..

IR said...

nice background !

Aparna Ganguly said...

Difficult to answer really. I gave up an alluring job offer to get ahead with what I thought was better for my professional life in the long run. In my personal life, I don't think I'd ever ditch my guy just if 'someone better' came along.

Happiness is very subjective. What gives me happiness today might not give me the same sense of contentment tomorrow. But some things are source of joy forever I guess. Letting an Italian chocolate melt in my mouth while I read a post, will always make me happy I suppose. :D

And I'd agree with both the ideas that (1)people flock to happy people and (2) having a lot of people around you makes you happy. Only, at the end of the day, I need my own space to be myself. And it isn't the zillions who matter- just one soul would suffice.

Still Searching said...

i think it also depends on what stage you are in life and how much risk you can afford to take.. if you're single without too many responsibilities, you can try to follow your dreams... if you have too many burdens on your shoulders it's probably wiser to take the safer options... so its' a matter of perspective and circumstances...

thanks! u're the only one who said you liked it!!

thanks for the long well thought out comment! thankfully we Indians have not yet applied the "follow your dreams" theory to our personal lives, which would prompt us to leave our partners at the slightest hint that there is something better out there! yes, happiness is fleeting, but then you got to be in the present moment and do what you think is right at this moment! totally agree with you that even just one person can bring you the joy and happiness one craves, only thing is that again we are looking externally for that happiness, instead of being happy within and by ourselves.. so yeah, def need your own space!

nutty said...


(btw - this was me throwing a tantrum!)

Also - I'm finally going to get off my lazy *** and redo my template too instead of writing this weekend.

BD said...

Very neat template.

CandidConfessions said...

I definitely think.. the merrier the better! And btw, nice sleek new look!

Princess Banter said...

Wow, love, quite a loaded blogpost you got up. But it made me think a lot.

I do agree with you that the happier and more content we are, the more people flock around us. I don't think people will want to hang around with a depressed and sad fool, no? And I do know for a fact that being surrounded by happy and content people doesn't necessarily make me happier and more content. It sometimes makes me even more bitter and annoyed that they're way too happy :P

Haha -- I'm so mean...

But yeah, dreams. That's one big gray area right there. It's good to chase your dreams but it's also appropriate to reflect on what/who gets hurt when you chase your dreams. Chasing dreams can be very selfish sometimes because there are people you have to think about on who might get affected.

Just my 2 cents though :)

Still Searching said...

waiting to see what you're going to do with your template!

ty!! i think so too! ;)

long time! where've you been?! thanks, i like the new look too! for the moment atleast!

glad you think the post is "loaded"! lol! yeah you won't believe it, i also sometimes feel annoyed with people being too happy! and I agree, thats a good point, we should take care that we dont trample on someone else to fulfill our dreams, but then we shouldn't keep sacrificing our dreams for others all the time either!